2 Jan
2 Jan
6 p.m.
Trent Buck wrote:
Up spake vellum:
My immediate thought on seeing it was "AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! It's SodiPodi come back." I crossed my fingers and muttered appropriate soothing mantras. I like our Inkscape UI Interface as it is and SodiPodi's used to drive me bananas. I was so glad to leave it.
I think what would be a better mockup to work on would be how to dock palettes, like fill and stroke, xml editor, etc, around a document window. That is what I would really like to see. Then, the current toolbars and aux. toolbar could be made draggable around a document window.
Jon Phillips
1528 Alice St. Apt. #4
Oakland, CA, USA 94612-5004
USA PH 510.499.0894
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