On Mon, 7 May 2007, John R. Culleton wrote:
Is there a person onlist who has used recent versions of both Inkscape and Krita and would be willing to compare them? I have them both and am wondering where to invest my learning time.
Short Answer:
You are asking the wrong question.
You can compare gimp and krita.
You can compare dia and inkscape.
Comparing krita and inkscape is a bit weird.
gimp, krita, photoshop are raster graphics manipulators (with a touch of vector).
inkscape, dia, illustrator are vector graphics manipulators (with a touch of raster).
So back off a second, ask yourself whether vector graphics or raster graphics is your aim? And then reask your question.
John Carter Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639 Tait Electronics Fax : (64)(3) 359 4632 PO Box 1645 Christchurch Email : john.carter@...2193... New Zealand