
#- Dear Bulia,
#- I think you (as developer) try to think instead of the user.
#- What can be a little dangerous ;)

My god. Three decades cost us to put in the developers head that they're no developing for developers, that they are developing for users.

The Bulia's attitude is perfect. He (sorry, she?) should, and MUST think as a final user, specially (but not only) in the UI.

And what Bulia says ("Doing anything unexpected is bad UI") is a basic rule for UI design. He's right.

#- It is absolut necessary to snap to grid without see any grid.
#- 1., With complex graphics it is very embarrassing to see grids,
#- (grid points is bad, bad gridlines worst (btw is there any way to use
#- points instead of gridlines?))

I (personally) that doing complex graphics with grids is a bad choice. You can do it (you can also do an enterprise class management system in assembler) but I think that are better ways. For example, you want this line to start where the other line ends, or at the center of that circle.

Is a reallity that this kind of semantics are missing in Inkscape. I hope someday they'll be available (for better reference about this, see AutoCAD 12, where I learned them).

.    Facundo

Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/

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