donn wrote the following on 3/1/2011 7:02 AM:
Anyone know how I could layout/hack a single Inkscape SVG file so that I can get a multi-page PDF out the other end?
Inkscape -> layout tricks (maybe layers?) -> some process (maybe command line) -> PDF file with pages.
At the moment I am laying-out logos and designs on a single 'page' which can be as tall as 9000 pixels.
Is there a way to 'chop' a single PDF page like that into smaller chunks?
I was thinking something along the lines of command line parameters, such as:
inkscape --export-pdf=logo1.pdf --export-id=logo1 --export-id-only --export-text-to-path logos.svg
...where inside of logos.svg is a logo with various shapes all place into a single group with the ID logo1. So if you had 10 logos inside of a master document, you could assign group IDs to each one (calling them logo1, logo2, logo3, etc.) You would export each logo to a separate pdf and then use something pdf-fy to drill them all into a multi-page pdf file. Of course a script does this all for you.
However, the above command doesn't work with pdf (or eps or ps). I fail! :) Although, I can get it to work with png (I know it's not what you want). Perhaps I'm close.
PS. Attached is the logos.svg file that I was playing with.
# png example (single logo example) inkscape --export-png=logo1.png --export-id=logo1 --export-dpi=300 logos.svg convert *.png output.pdf