On Mon, 2010-08-23 at 20:42 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I've been asked to sit on a panel at Open SVG 2010 titled "Graphical Effects Beyond SVG 1.1". I'll have five minutes before the discussion begins to present Inkscape's hopes for SVG 2.0. These are the things that I can think of at the moment. Please add to the list:
- Markers that can inherit parent attributes (e.g. marker fill takes
parent stroke color so arrow heads are same color as path).
Mesh gradients (Diffusion curves?).
Vector effects (see:
http://dev.w3.org/SVG/modules/vectoreffects/master/SVGVectorEffectsPrimer.ht... )
- Multipage SVG's.
5. More control of stroke positioning.
Unlike the current method where the stroke is centered on the path, it would be great to have control over the "balance" of the stroke. Effectively with a scale from 0-100 it would allow going from completely inside the shape, to completely outside the shape (default being 50, for current behavior). That or -100 to 100 and 0 being the current behavior.
Cheers, Josh