On Jun 1, 2009, at 6:12 AM, H.Lekin wrote:
I downloaded the 'altona_measure_1v1a.pdf' from www.eci.org, imported it into Inkscape, exported it as PNG (1) and made a TIF with embedded color profile (2) as well as a PDF/X-3 (3) out of it. I am going to get (1) - (3) printed to compare. An empiric - to my taste somewhat astrologic - approach that doesn't make me too happy.
Well, technically SVG defaults to the sRGB color space, so if a workflow is set up correctly you should get results consistent with that. Also if you didn't have a profile set, the print shop should have had things fall back to sRGB. Not sure if they did, though.
The key then is to have you monitor calibrated. You can pick up hardware such as a Huey or Spyder 2 and then run your monitor through it to get to the point where when your monitor is giving you more accurate display of standard colors.