On 2009-June-17 , at 01:53 , Jon A. Cruz wrote:
Do you know if it has gtk with extended input support? I know newer 10.5 X11 has it
Yes it has, at least pressure and tilt work with my intuos 3. It's been a while since I last tested on the devel builds so that's a pleasant surprise (and probably worth a bullet in the release notes, maybe you could add that together with your work on input devices Jon). I find that the pressure curve is behaving funny though: it is difficult to get very thin stokes and overall it is difficult to get a steady increase in pressure. I recall there was a "strength" parameter for the effect of pressure on the width or something like that, a long time ago, but now there's just a single width parameter. Changing the settings in the driver improves things a bit but to get a correct result in X11 I need insane settings for the rest. Is there a way to configure all that?
Last thing: the input devices settings do not stick from one run to the next, even if X11 was not restarted in between.
JiHO --- http://maururu.net