As noted on the man page for inkscape, many of the export options (including -D) are only available for PNG export. A request for support of these options under PDF is in the bug tracker at
That bug report lists a couple workarounds that you may find useful. I use a command-line utility called pdfcrop, which came with my tetex distribution.
On Jan 25, 2008 2:00 PM, Kim Hovorka <kimhovorka@...12...> wrote:Have you tried save as "PDF via Cairo" ? That's been working quite
> I wanted to chime in. For some reason I can get any of the other save as options to work when I started downloading the nightly builds over the last few weeks. If I go back to the 45 stuff it works ok. I am just trying
> to learn this a little at a time, I would love to get at least the PDF saving working.
nicely for me in recent builds. (Currently using this one:
Inkscape0801231543.7z from here:
Course that won't help you if you're on Linux or mac...
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