7 Oct
7 Oct
11:05 p.m.
On 10/5/07, Alexander Bonivento <redna379@...12...> wrote:
inkscape -I "text_2_check" -W test.svg 419.81271 - 4.6645856666666666666666666666667 - 5.042
I did the same test with your file and see no discrepancy:
416.60156 4.62888888889 4.629
The only explanation I can suggest is that on your system, Inkscape can find some font when run with the GUI and cannot find it when run without GUI, and as a result this text string gets rendered in different fonts in these cases and thus gets different width. It's hard for me to debug this, however, because I cannot reproduce this.
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.