Aaron Spike wrote:
heathenx wrote:
A fellow Inkscape user sent me a link from the SVN repo regarding a filter effect svg example file. There are quite a few different effects inside of this file which I think many of us users would appreciate having. Is it possible to get this file posted on openclipart? I'm not sure who authored the svg file but WOW!, what a nice gift. This person should be lifted up on our shoulders and paraded down main street. :)
That person is mauve. (http://mauve.mauvespace.com/) He also did a nice tutorial.
I had seen him on IRC a couple mornings ago when he posted his tutorial. I asked if he'd create a bunch of stock filters for us to provide, as bulia mentioned a desire a while back for "easy filters". So, it's definitely a phenomenal start. But we also need to figure out how to implement the UI for easy filters. Just via menu options with no params? An "easy" dialog which hides the advanced bits? Or filter specific dialogs like the effects? Any other ideas?
Unfortunately, the problem is that we now have figure out where some filter related issues lie. I tried opening up the file in Batik, but it sees it as invalid. Are we producing invalid svg, or is batik just really picky? Also, some filters render differently in Firefox 3 & Opera 9.5.
So at this point, we shouldn't get overly excited until A) we're producing files batik likes (or we file a bug report with them if the problem is on their end) and B) we figure out who really has the most accurate filter implementation and either match it, or inform them if ours is "better".