On Jan 21, 2008 4:42 AM, Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
Donn wrote:
I just create a new drawing that I leave open. When I want to "save" an object, I group it and then drag a copy over to the other drawing.
I didn't know you could d&d from one ink to another. It just scrolls on the canvas of the one I am dragging on...
You can d&d from a file explorer, like nautilus (Gnome), it should work with others.
This other drawing acts like an object pallette that I can use for commun projects. Just drag grouped objects from one to the other.
I have said it before (on the dev list too) if such a "common file" could supply *clones* to other files then we would be talking business.
Maybe copy by default, clone if you Ctrl-click/drag? I sometimes modify "generic" shapes to fit custon needs but wouldn't want it to modify all the drawings.
I found this wishlist item: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/172091
Added some details from this conversation.
Also discovered that copy/paste between two Inkscape windows only works if the second instance of Inkscape was started from the other (via File->New or File->Open). This is also a bug (that has been in the tracker since 2005).
-Rob A>