On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 01:17:23PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi all,
pistoncito asked about how to do translations of the website currently. I figure this suggests we need some sort of documentation, so here's a start. It sounds like we will need to change this process once we figure out how to do the automatic web browser language detection, but until that gets sorted out, we should use this process. I'll also post this to Wiki so folks can update it as better approaches are worked out for it.
I've also added the following note regarding a change we may make to the process in the future, once someone has sorted out the mechanisms for doing it:
Browser language autodection. Instead of placing pages in a language code subdir, you would place the files in the same directory, but set the filename to include the language code. For example:
inkscape_web/mailing_lists.html mailing_lists.de.html mailing_lists.es.html doc/index.html index.de.html index.es.html
TODO: This requires us to ensure the webserver is properly configured to properly detect the filenames correctly. It is not yet known if this works already, or would require some changes to .htaccess, or what. Someone should research this. E.g., should they be named index.XX.html or index.html.XX ?
When this is ready, the pages in the XX/ dirs should be move into the main dirs and renamed to index.XX.html, etc.