
And if (*if*) SVG is staggering to a bit grave, perhaps it's time to reboot inkscape by making the standards of graphics ourselves.

I used Flash as an example because they have such a vastly superior drawing interface. All the little details (like, when you step into a group or movie-clip, all the parent layers dim a little and you can see clearly where you are) make a huge difference in sheer efficiency.

Things like symbols (clones, whatever) that can cross file boundaries are vital. Vital. There is no way to maintain a list of client logos and their use in multiple design files if, when there comes some change to the logo, one has to manually visit every file and manually change it again. Even given some clever SVG sed/grep/python voodoo, why would I spend a week writing code to do what design software did in the 90's? It's not rational.

Things like colours that have a customized palette - one uses a "swatch" all over the place and then one can change the actual colour of that swatch and it changes wherever you used it. Vital. Vital. Inkscape has a tedious workaround using one-stop gradients for this. It sucks and it doesn't work in exported PDFs.

I won't go on. When I start, I find I can't stop thinking of cool ideas; and I've not been in graphics since 2000.


On 22 April 2017 at 10:21, C R <cajhne@...155...> wrote:
There's another danger to Inkscape, and that's lack of progress as a professional design tool. There are holes in Inkscape functionality compared to other industry leading software, and some open source projects are starting to catch up to and in some areas exceed inkscape capabilities. If a tool used primarily for graphics, and designed for professional graphics work can not match features needed (and commonly requested by professional full time graphics people) other projects will become more popular, leading to a shift in the user base to other software.

So the attitude that inkscape works perfectly as it is, is also a slow suffocation death for the project. Confining it to specific simplistic use cases based on personal preferences, and calling what you don't personally use "bloat" is ignoring the bigger purpose of inkscape as a professional vector graphics design tool. 

The "bloat" is not causing the slowness. There is a lot in Inkscape that needs refactoring, and a lot that needs refinement and optimization. We do not need to be tossing out good ideas which are asked for by our professional graphic design users that make Inkscape more useful because some users are content to use it only for laser cutting (as an example).

Please (everyone) stop referring to the hard work and superior features that are being proposed as "bloat". It's disrespectful to the devs, and its disrespectful to the design community who need Inkscape to be a fully realised vector graphics production studio.

No one is suggesting that your use case should be affected. Users who are happy with how Inkscape is will probably notice only that Inkscape is faster, has more useful node tools and layer grouping modes, and is cleaner and easier to work with in general, affording more screen real estate for drawing.

Lots of improvements on the way, let's not denounce them beforehand. That next feature you think you don't need might be the best thing that ever happened to your work flow.

Just some thoughts.

On 22 Apr 2017 08:23, "David Lang" <david@...2963.....> wrote:
On Sat, 22 Apr 2017, Donn Ingle wrote:

> I know its not impossible to have software as good as Freehand or Flash
> was, years ago, on much slower pcs - because they existed.

wordstar worked on 8 bit processors, that doesn't mean that inkscape should try
to do the job that wordstar was written for.

Freehand and Flash don't do the job that inkscape does, don't try to convert
inkscape to do the job that they were written to do.

David Lang

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