Aaron Spike wrote:
The quality of the Autopackage builds could be greatly increased with more consistent testing. There is a need for volunteers running various distros (Slackware, Suse, Mandrake, Fedora, Debian) and various versions of these distros to work with the autopackager to ensure compatibility throughout the release cycle. This work involves regular downloading and installing of inkscape autopackages (about 10MB), submitting detailed bug reports to the autopackager and testing fixes as they are prepared.
Snapshot builds for testing live at: http://inkscape.modevia.com/ap/?C=M;O=D
Update: I think I've gotten a few of the old problems with autopackage fixed. I could really use some testers on any distro where problems have been reported before. RPM based distros. Slackware. Mandrake(Mandriva).
Things are looking up. So lets get this tested out and stabilized ASAP for release. Please.
Aaron Spike