Cory Pollard wrote:
I've had a thought that others may be interested in.
I would like to start a forum dedicated to inkscape. A place where we can have different headings/subheadings, tutorials, screenshots, WIP, and general discussions. I wanted to see if others would be interested in making use of such a site. I would probably register under inkscapeforums.com or simmilar.
I'd use it.
I can pay for domain registration and some hosting too. But, does anyone know the overall cost for running forums per annum?
That obviously depends on how you do it, and how much work you're willing to do on your own.
Off the cuff, I'd imagine you geting a virtual private server (Xen or OpenVPS), then running PHP BB.
Drupal or Plone (depending on whether you like PHP or Python/Zope better) might be a good option, because they are full CMS systems that incorporate forum features. That could be good since we presume an important activity of the site would be posting pictures. It would also provide a means to do tutorials, and other more permanent content.
The cost is just the VPS hosting cost. I don't know about Australia, but in North America, this is about $20-$40/mo depending on details of bandwidth, memory, and disk space available. IMHO, for the application you are talking about, just about anything is going to be adequate. OTOH, I'm paying about $20, and I think they've got a few too many account on the machine (too slow), so you might want to think about that.
Alternatively, I'm pretty sure there are specific forum-hosting services, but I would be a little leary of going that way myself.
Most of the cost is going to be 'sweat equity', though. :-)
Also, I don't want to tread on the feet of the Devs and everyone who started inkscape, would you guys be cool with the idea?
So, give some feedback and see if we can get this thing started.
Cheers, Terry