Stephane Eybert wrote:
I removed the ellipses in the background.
I don't know where to file the bug report you talked about. Would you have a url..?
I reposted the pdf files still at http://www.thalasoft.com/brochure_en.pdf http://www.thalasoft.com/brochure_fr.pdf http://www.thalasoft.com/brochure_se.pdf
The problem now is with the fonts.
First the texts don't look so straight, and second some spacing appears within words in the pdf files (see the french http://www.thalasoft.com/brochure_fr.pdf at "Le web est notre langue commune") where there is none in the svg files.
The line you refer to in the PDF is not horizontal. The text matrix has a small amount of rotation applied to it in the PDF. I suggest filing a bug report for the extra spaces. As far as I can tell it is not a cairo bug.