If low cost flash creation is what you're looking for then http://www.koolmoves.com is what you're looking for.

Elwin Estle wrote:
Yes, but isn't content creation for Flash pretty much tied to either Windows or a Mac (no
linux...unless you want to jump through a buncha hoops), and the $$$ for buying Flash
from Macromedia?

--- Benjamin Huot <benjaminhuot@...1263...> wrote:

Flash comes pre-installed on all Macs, most commercial Linuxes, and  
most PCs, so it is likely people will have it. I think Flash Player 8  
has past 90% install base.
But I do welcome SVG for those who have the right browsers. I still  
have to test the SVG website with Safari and Opera. Hopefully  
OpenLazslo will support SVG in the near future.

On May 31, 2007, at 11:14 AM, Daniel Hulme wrote:

On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 12:57:09PM -0500, Dave Niezabitowski wrote:
Thibaut Raballand wrote:
I'm waiting the time when all browsers will be SVG compliant out of
the box !

They are. It's called Flash.
They don't come with Flash ootb, thank heavens. All of the browser
installations I use draw SVGs, more or less, but none of them have  
installed. Flash is not exactly on from a security standpoint, and  
never come across any useful information in a Flash animation.

"I like talking to Rabbit.  He talks  about sensible things.  He  
use long,  difficult words,  like Owl.  He uses short,  easy words,  
'What about  lunch?' and  'Help yourself,  Pooh.'  I suppose,   
really, I
ought to go and see Rabbit."     A. A. Milne, 'The House at Pooh  
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