the trick with the angled guidline does
help a lot.
However my question concerning the restricting
of the pen tool movement along any kind of axis by holding down the "Strg"
doesn´t seem to be an issue for other
inkcape users. schrieb
am 02.05.2008 16:28:50:
> It is possible to pull down an angle guideline and change the
> degrees to whatever is needed, 25
> degrees for example. Your object can snap to this guide and move
> across it. Would that help you in
> any way?
> heathenx
> Marcel.Tippmann@...2272... wrote the following on 5/2/2008
2:53 AM:
> >
> > I do have some questions concerning technical linedrawings with
> >
> > 1. I take a screenshot of 3D-CAD a model that is rotated in a
> > axonometric view. For example an isometric projection 30°-30°.
> > 2. I import the screenshot into inkscape.
> > 3. In "inkscape preferences" dialog in option "steps"
Is set "rotation
> > snaps every" to 30°.
> > 4. By holding down "Strg" I can easily trace the screenshot.
> >
> > However when I have the 3D-CAD model rotated to some other axonometric
> > view, for example 25-25°. This
> > helpful technique is no more possible, since I can only choose
from a
> > list of predifined values in "rotation snaps every".
> > I´d like to put in any kind of value.
> > Should this be on the wishlist?
> >
> > Another question:
> > I want to move an object along a defined axis.
> > When I hold down "strg" I can move a selected object
along the vertical
> > and horizontal axis.
> > Are there ways and techniques in inkscape to do that kind of
thing along
> > any kind of axis.
> >
> > Thanks for your help
> > Marcel
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