I didn't send this.  Why is a copy of this arriving on my doorstep at <rcsthrax@...289...>?  Please, someone, get your act together.

Robert C. Smith

On 15 Mar 2005 at 6:25, System Administrator wrote:

> Your message
>   To:      ong@...530...
>   Subject: I love you!
>   Sent:    Tue, 15 Mar 2005 06:27:25 +0100
> did not reach the following recipient(s):
> ONG@...531... on Tue, 15 Mar 2005 06:25:23 +0100
>     The recipient name is not recognized
>  The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=us;a= ;p=transocean
> offsh;l=SRVEX01MON0503150525FQL9NAQX
>     MSEXCH:IMS:Transocean Offshore Inc:SFM-MONTROUGE:SRVEX01MON 0
>     (000C05A6)
> Unknown Recipient