Hello everyone,
I have been using Inkscape for quite some time, and I admire this tool. I am not a professional artist, but I often use it for small charts or simple drawings; and to extend my capabilities, I purchased a digitizer.
On the Windows version of Inkscape, the digitizer is detected, everything works as expected, except one detail: I cannot use my mouse to do anything but select a new tool or change options in the GUI. I am unable to edit the image itself using the mouse, unless I disable the digitizer.
For instance, if I press F1, the selector tool is becoming active, but when I click on an object on the canvas itself - nothing happens; I can only select objects with the digitizer's pen.
I haven't found a setting in Inkscape to alter this behaviour (v.0.45.1, built in March 2007). Is this normal behaviour? I find it quite counter-intuitive, because I became quite efficient with using my laptop's touchpad to manipulate objects - and now I cannot do that anymore. Can someone shed some light on the subject?
I am also running Inkscape on a Fedora Linux desktop; in that case the digitizer is not detected by Inkscape (nor GIMP), although the driver seems to be installed properly and I can see events coming from the digitizer when I press something on it. The device in question is a Genius MousePen 8x6, with this driver: http://www.stud.fit.vutbr.cz/~xhorak28/index.php?page=WizardPen_Driver
Can someone provide any advice about this matter?