What would be the best way of forcing the path to (always) relative coordinates?
The current behaviour is that Inkscape minimizes the length of the path data.
How can the choice of absolute or relative coordinates affect the length of the path data? It is so that the absolute coordinates are used when the node is nearer to the origin than to the previous node? Then maybe translate the layer at least of one page width to left and page height to top, and all coordinates should be relative. But when I tried to test this idea, I found that the coordinates are allways relative if the preference"allow relative coordinates" is checked. I thought that this behavior maybe changed in a newer version, so I upgraded from 0.47 to 0.48.1, but still all coordinates are allways relative. (BTW, the the length of the path data would be better minimized were the coordinates smartly rounded instead of such values as -113.000006 or -12.99999)