On Feb 18, 2007, at 9:33 PM, Devon Scott-Tunkin wrote:

Yeah, I'll do whatever I can.  I haven't done any work

with linux.  Been meaning to install ubuntu one of

these days but haven't had a reason. I was wondering

if it was still a problem in linux as the wacom driver

is different.  Of course it may still be a problem, I

don't know exactly how these things work.  But

installing linux just for inkscape isn't really a

great incentive.

Yes, I definitely understand that one.

The way I do my Win32 work is usually via Win98 emulation on an OSX box. So the most productive way for me to deal with the kind of bugs you are seeing is to be able to have some end user with a problem who can troubleshoot and describe the problems. Then people on the dev side can figure out some possible work-arounds and toss over updates for testing.

So as long as you have some patience for the process, we can probably get most things fixed. Heh. it probably still would be much faster than waiting for a commercial application company to address issues.
