How involved is the Linux process? I am familiar with basic ./configure, make, make install...but that's about it (I am guessing this is a bit more complex process?) I think one time I might have done something from an SVN tree...can't remember what it was or if the process even worked. I have an AMD Athlon machine running Slackware 12.2, also a Mac Mini with Leopard.
--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Joshua A. Andler <scislac@...155...> wrote:
From: Joshua A. Andler <scislac@...155...> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Nightly/Testing Builds To: "Inkscape User Community" inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 6:10 PM Gaz,
Depending on what platform you are looking to produce builds for, it can significantly affects what is involved. My guess (and I'm sorry if I'm wrong) would be that in level of difficulty from easiest to most difficult it goes Win32, OSX, Linux...
In general it boils down to:
- an up to date checkout of Inkscape SVN (roughly 1.1GB)
- configuring your OS environment to compile & package
- compiling & packaging
- testing & uploading (testing prior to uploading
isn't necessary once you are comfortable with the quality)
I think that with the exception of the Linux Autopackages, most other builds should be relatively easy to produce.
So, on that note... if you're still pseudo-interested, please let us know your OS and we can get you filled in more in-depth.
Cheers, Josh
On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 22:38 +0100, Gary Hawkins wrote:
what is involved in this?
might help us decide if we can help or not
2009/4/23 Joshua A. Andler <scislac@...155...> Hey All,
We seem to be in a bad place with our nightly
builds. It would
be excellent if we could have a few volunteers
step up to produce
nightlies (or at least builds from every few days). Anyone who can (or would like to) produce
builds for Windows,
Linux, and OSX would be making a great contribution to
keeping us on
track to release 0.47 in the near future. If you are
interested, please
speak up and we will do what we can to get you
producing builds ASAP.
For the record, this is how bad the situation
Win32 - April 18th OSX - March 3rd Linux - nothing from this year (Autopackages
are over a year
old) So again, if lending some CPU cycles and a
little time is all
you can do, it is still a LOT for the community. Cheers, Josh
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