On Dec 30, 2009, at 11:50 PM, Sanat Ganu wrote:
@Jon You are right....C++ is the real problem and also finding the right part of the Inkscape code to add UI elements. Do you think it is straightforward? Does the Extension mechanism not allow the extension to draw a timeline for example and allow the user to manipulate it?
Well... one way to do it might be to look at the code that runs the Icon preview window. It is very rough and really should be replaced. The reason to look at it is that it was some early code that was done in a very short timeframe.
A better approach (which that needs to be migrated to) is to create a dialog that is a subclass of our View, so that it can leverage the real-time updates, etc.
What I think of right off hand for animation is to have a preview/playback window with simple controls that gets a copy of the SVG tree and modifies it to display. Then there can also be a dialog with the control paths/timing ui, etc. that operates on the main document.
This all depend on how familiar you are with C++ and with how fancy you want to get with the interaction. If you might be comfortable with the language, then GtkMM makes it easy to call the widgets and such. And I or someone else in the chat room could probably get you through the process of doing a simple GTK+ UI fairly quickly (perhaps even over just a few days if all the rest is simple)