On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 00:22:18 -0400, bulia byak <buliabyak@...155...> wrote:
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 18:14:30 -0500, Jozsef Mak <j_mak3@...9...> wrote:
But let's say I want to change the fill to gradient. In the Property window I choose the gradient option and the gradient ramp pops up, not in a separate window
Same here, click the gradient button in Fill&stroke and edit your gradient, nothing additional pops up.
If you don't mind, I will give my opinion about Inkscape UI, as a simple hobbyist user who never used Freehand, Illustrator or others. I do not want to start a flame war, but only expose what is only my opinion. At first, Inkscape _seems_ really unfriendly, some would say messy. But, after using it for a few hours, read and followed the tutorials (I think it is really important to read these as they are really well done), it is definitively logical and easy to use (beside the already well known problems such as the gradient editor). IMHO, what makes the user thinks at first that Inkscape is not so user-friendly, are the icons : they are not looking very nice (may be the black border around all of them could be reduced, to make them look brighter), and it tends to be difficult to identify what function is hidden behind some of them. One example could be the fill and stroke icon : even after some hours of using Inkscape, I still have to look around to find the icon for 'color'. In this case, may be a colourfull icon would be better than the grey one currently in place. I'm pretty sure that a nicer icon set would greatly improve user experience and usability feeling, without changing anything else. I fully agree with you when you say that inkscape UI follow mental process ("I want it blue, blue is color, gimme the color thing!" ), and it would be even more the case with nicely designed icons, so you don't have to look around to find the "color thing".