Just to add to my other e-mail: if I import the 10x10 image saved as a PNG for itself and not part of the matlab figure, the 10x10 imported bitmap also suffers artefacts (see updated attached svg) Maybe there are some settings to avoid this? Best, Enno
On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Enno R. Oldewurtel < enno.oldewurtel@...155...> wrote:
Dear all,
maybe this is a feature request, bug, or simply a question, so I put it onto this mailing list:
When I import an eps that contains a bitmap (e.g. an eps generated from a MATLAB figure, that also has an image displayed), the bitmap in the imported form does not show the original pixels anymore but suffers from compression artefacts. These artefacts are not very visible for large image with small pixels relative to the total image size.
However, I often need to display zoomed regions of microscopy image, where those compressions are having quite a detrimental effect on the import. As an example I created a MATLAB figure with 10x10 random pixels. I attach the svg file where I imported the MATLAB figure after saving it as a PNG within MATLAB and another import of the eps file that I saved with MATLAB. The artefacts are clearly visible. ;)
Most times the compression is probably great to reduce overall file size, but in occasions like the ones described above it would be great to have a different or no compression of the bitmaps during import.
Many thanks, Enno