I really like the new palette at the bottom of my screen. But..., I noticed that Inkscape does not remember my Palette settings after I have quit Inkscape. Is that intentional?
Another question: Why does the random tree (as in effects) always appear (at least in my latest CVS inkscape version) at the top left corner *above* the page boundaries, instead of the center of the page. The latter would IMO be more user friendly.
Finally: When I select to fill an object with a radial gradient, Inkscape always selects to have the full transparency at the borders of the object and the none-transparency at the center of the object. That is fine, but often I just need to have it the other way around. What I do it manually edit the radial gradient to get it my way. It there a 'one-click' way to quickly reverse the gradient?
These are really minor issues, but any advice is highly appreciated.