> In step 3, I don't see a save as "Cairo PDF" only PDF. Where is Cairo?
I get Cairo PDF automatically from the latest version.
Browse to http://inkscape.modevia.com/win32-snap/?M=D
and download inkscape-LATEST.zip.
> How do you compare the two?
Visually. But depending on the printer (and on your screen calibration) they can come looking quite different from the PDF.
> In File/Server Properties tab, I created the banner size I'm attempting
> to create. When I try to print, that "fancy" sized paper does not come
> up as a selection in the printer set-up box (should I be able to select
> that one particular paper size? Only the paper sizes from HP are
> available. How do I select that one size paper?)
In fact I should have mentioned that it depends on your printer driver. Since you cannot select the fancy size, then you probably have a custom size option in that dialogue or the printer is able to handle anything you send to it. Checking the printer manual and the driver release notes can help you find your specific case (maybe a newer driver can help you).
> Step 5: I believe I checked the document properties that the page size
> was correct but only 11 inches of the document showed in the Acrobat
> Reader box.
What do you mean with "the page size was correct but only 11 inches of the document showed in the Acrobat Reader box"? Do the saved PDF has a different size than it should? If that is the case, something is real wrong and only those 11 inches will be sent to the printer and hence printed. I just created a 8.5"x22" drawing and them saved it as a PDF and Acrobat Reader tells me the correct document size (i.e. the same one as in Inkscape).
Wild guesses:
- use the latest version of Acrobat Reader
- use the latest version of Inkscape (as above)
Wild wild guess:
- check your regional settings to make sure "." is the decimal separator
> I am so incouraged by your last line, "I am able to print huge/or custom
> ....." Very cool.
Inkscape is very cool ;-)
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