hello all,
i am working on a performative installation in which inkscape is used. the idea is that people can draw on the screen (in inkscape) and a constantly refreshing screengrab is streamed to a server (in pure data) which displays it on a webpage. this page also displays a performer in australia. both 'screens' (australia + touchscreen in amsterdam) are communicating together through drawing/touch.
what i am missing in inkscape for all this to run smoothly is: 1) full screen option (not even showing the menu bar 'File', 'Edit', etc., *only* the canvas). 2) a graphical button (i.e. filled green circle) which, when 'pressed', will 'save as' (to record the current vector drawing to a folder with a numerically incrementing filename), 'select all', 'erase', 'return pointer to paintbrush tool option'.
the situation is that i have very little time to figure this out and i can imagine that for some people on this list this is rather easy to implement. therefore i hope that someone out there has a bit of time and perhaps an inclination to work on this. there is of course budget for this and proper credits to the programmer/developper and promotion of inkscape project will be included in the project documentation.
the project runs on nov. 6th. (thus very quick deadline).
you can contact me @ this email address or on irc.indymedia.org #etc. i tried to join #inkscape but i cannot post.
much appreciated!
audrey samson ideacritik.com