On 10/08/2011 10:41, ~suv wrote:
Ever tried<Shift+F11>?
Hi, yes - but not recently. Thanks for the reminder.
I'd love to have some way to: 1. Change shift + f11 to, say, right-alt. I find the whole top-half of my kbd is too far away from me when I am designing. I tend to sit back and mouse, with left hand on alt/ctrl/shift and other lower-half keys.
2. Have a way to call just the tools up - not the whole gui everytime.
3. Have a way to call the tool's properties (like the stuff under the node tool) up - directly where the mouse is at the moment.
Thanks for reading my post. What do you think of Mypaint and Blender as far as interfaces go? I find that they have put serious thought into speed and ease of use; things are just quicker to access and you can focus on what you are doing.