30 May
30 May
7:03 a.m.
On 30/5/10 01:51, Philip Rhoades wrote:
I you import the attached PDF - you will see that some characters are missing (eg look at words "Office*"). pdftotext extracts the text properly.
I am using"
Reproduced with Inkscape 0.47+devel r9456 on OS X 10.5.8
The character 'i' from the sequence 'fi' is missing in the imported PDF file if the sequence is written in a font that uses ligatures for 'fi' (in this case 'Myriad Pro').
I don't have the font installed and can't verify if the missing font is the reason why the 'i's are dropped - the default fallback font 'Sans' doesn't use ligatures on my platform (Bitstream Vera Sans).
Can someone with the font installed test if ligatures 'fi' are imported correctly?