Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 17:54:22 -0500 From: Gian Paolo Mureddu <thetargos@...155...> Subject: [Inkscape-user] How to control the rotation of objects? To: Inkscape User Community inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Message-ID: <489B7D1E.7030804@...155...> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hi again!
I now have a different question. This time it has to do with rotating objects. Is there a way to control how much an object is rotated other than the 90? function? Something similar to the GIMP's rotation tool where you can choose the actual number of degrees by which you want to rotate a given object? Dealing with patterns (see my other post) I am attempting to generate a pattern off different rotation angles of some paths, however I find it very difficult to obtain the desired effect by manually turning every shape into the position I want it/need it to be 100% symmetrical. Is there a way to assess the rotation of objects? (sorry if my n00bishness shows, but I'm a n00b!). Just for the record, I'm attempting this in Inkscape 0.46 on Fedora 8.
with object selected (menu) object -> transform (shift-ctrl-m) tabs for move, scale, *rotate*, skew, matrix