Bryce Harrington ha scritto:
Hi all,
I'm hearing some rumblings that Google will be running their Summer of Code project again this year,
Of course, given the major benefits that have accrued from our past involvement, it would be a shame to have to sit it out!
- All Inkscape GSoC projects this year must be implemented as extensions, with no changes required to Inkscape's core
Please let me know what are your thoughts on this proposal?
hello Bryce, i don't know if this could fit the criteria you suggested, i hope it does: we are working on an extension for inkscape, simply call it a plugin, to let users post drawings in inkscape gallery directly from the inkscape software. We started from the publishr plugin by jayeshsalvi, it was meant to publish images on picasa and flickr, it worked only in linux and with jpgs. We submitted a patch, it was accepted and now that plugin works in windows too even if i did not test it, jayeshsalvi released it a while ago. The main goal of our work is to give a fast, safe and thorough way to make our drupal software work with a client, installed in inkscape as an extension to give the chance to publish right after the drawing completion; you start the plugin, fill the fields and you have your drawing shown in inkscape gallery in 6 thumbnails, the svg source, two descriptions, related terms, title, license, everything we are using now in inkscape gallery, then. It is an xmlrpc application and we have to work even on the drupal side to make some of its modules work with xmlrpc (we have written a module for drupal to give CCK the xmlrpc support) We are working to a first release but we could flatly improve this in the future. Tell me if this sounds interesting, i will give you detailed information about Thanks,