Btw. there *is* a centerline trace extension for Inkscape (but it
appears to be difficult to install on Windows, so no guarantees):
(it worked great for me when I traced a kirigami pattern)
Am 20.02.2017 um 11:55 schrieb C R:
> Thanks for clarifying. I figured this is what was meant. :)
> -C
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:32 AM, brynn <brynn@...3089...> wrote:
>> I didn't assume is a newbie - didn't mean to imply I thought he was, in fact
>> sounds like not - just trying to find common grounds :-)
>> brynn
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: C R
>> Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 2:28 AM
>> To: Inkscape User Community
>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] inkscape 92.1 screwing up svg
>> I wouldn't assume this user is a newbie. :)
>> But yes, if we can see the original file, maybe we can try and
>> reproduce the error at least.
>> -C
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:18 AM, brynn <brynn@...3089...> wrote:
>>> Oh, I understand completely! We all were newbies once and we've all been
>>> through things like this.
>>> It does sound strange to suddenly have 2 images.
>>> If you still have the rubbish file, could we look at it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> brynn
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Gary Hawkins
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 11:00 PM
>>> To: brynn ; Inkscape User Community
>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] inkscape 92.1 screwing up svg
>>> Hi
>>> Yes I did expect to see one image (large X) but when I got two large X's and
>>> clicking on the black and red paths I had drawn and it saying in the info
>>> strip
>>> at the bottom image I was a little p'd off.
>>> never had this happen before.
>>> as I said, I re-traced it manually as trace bitmap gives double lines as it
>>> traces inside and outside of a line (no centre trace) and saved over the
>>> original file as I did not want to confuse with two files (one OK and the
>>> other
>>> useless rubbish)
>>> yes, I have gone back to 91 and 92 has been dumped.
>>> to be honest I have no idea how it became an image. I had layer 1 with the
>>> image
>>> (for tracing) and traced my paths onto layer 2. I tend to trace this way as
>>> it's
>>> not possible to select the image if you lock lay one so manual tracing is
>>> easier. I traced my cut paths in black, then went back and added the paths I
>>> wanted to score in red. I then turned off the eye on layer 2 to check the
>>> image
>>> for something (forget what now) and when I turned the eye on layer 2 back on
>>> and
>>> selected what should have been paths (still showing black and red) it said
>>> image
>>> in the info bar (at the bottom) I thought it was selecting the bottom layer
>>> so
>>> I went into view>outline mode and both layers showed the large X. Ink92 was
>>> called some very, very bad names
>>> On 20 February 2017 at 05:33, brynn <brynn@...3089...> wrote:
>>> I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I think we've all been there!
>>> We have not had any reports about vector paths getting changed to raster image
>>> in Windows. (It can happen on Macs, but not on Windows.)
>>> The square with the X showing in Outline mode, just means that there's a
>>> raster
>>> image in the file. And you've already told us you have an imported raster
>>> image
>>> that you're tracing. So that shouldn't be a surprise.
>>> I wonder if you might have selected the wrong thing? Or maybe you had moved
>>> something to the new layer that you didn't intend (happens to me a lot). Or
>>> something went wrong, obviously.
>>> If you can share the SVG file, we can help you to sort things out.
>>> I realize you've said, in a subsequent message, that you reverted to 0.91.
>>> But I still wonder if you might allow us to look at the file, if you still
>>> have
>>> it? Because if there is a new bug, we need to be able to verify it, so the
>>> programmers can find the problem in the code and fix it.
>>> If you do happen to upgrade again, and you see this same thing is happening,
>>> would you please report it to us, including instructions for reproducing the
>>> problem, so that we can investigate?
>>> Thanks, and better luck :-)
>>> brynn
>>> -----Original Message----- From: Gary Hawkins
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 3:43 PM
>>> To: inkscape-user@...2149....84... ; Inkscape User Community
>>> Subject: [Inkscape-user] inkscape 92.1 screwing up svg
>>> HI,
>>> I am trying out inkscape 92 and downloaded 92.1 for windows 10
>>> I just spent over an hour manually tracing a file I was hoping to use on my
>>> digital cutter - but it seem inkscape has changed the svg lines to an image -
>>> as
>>> useful as a chocolate fireguard or teapot - and I don't now how it did it but
>>> effing annoying!!!!
>>> Steps I did
>>> I loaded in an image with the design on
>>> I manually traced the outline, using black stroke for cutting and red stroke
>>> for
>>> any folding (non cut) lines
>>> I moved the traced lines to a new layer above the current one
>>> turned off the eye on the cut lines layer
>>> moved the actual image to the centre of the page
>>> locked the image layer
>>> opened the eye on the cut line layer
>>> selected the svg lines and at the bottom of the screen it say it's an image
>>> if I go into view>outline my svg lines show and a whwite square with a X - so
>>> it
>>> HAS changed it to an image
>>> so that was a waste of couple of hours as I now have to start all over again.
>>> and it WON'T be using inkscape 92!!! in fact inkscape 92 might well be dumped
>>> off the system as it's useless if it convert svg lines to images for no
>>> reason.
>>> and before anyone asks, I cannot use trace bitmap as that gives double lines
>>> and
>>> I need single lines and inkscape does not have a centre line trace.
>>> Gaz
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