Adam Pearson wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 15:02:11 +1000, Adam Pearson <addon@...121...> wrote:
Thanks bulia but I had tried that and the "Apply" button is greyed out ... what am I doing wrong?
It is grayed out when either no text is selected, or when text is selected but you haven't yet changed any parameters (i.e. when the style of the text matches that of the dialog). Select e.g. another font in the list and it ungrays.
Thanks again but I cannot get this to work. Can I test your patience once more? Here is my process:
- Create a new document
- Create a shape (let us say, a rectangle)
- Right-click on the rectangle, select Flow Text into Shape
- Some default text appears (in a box within the rectangle)
- Go to XML Editor and change the default text to the text I want
- My new text appears in the box within the rectangle
- I want to edit the font type, size, line spacing etc
- Select the text in the XML Editor (or select the text box and by
Shift-click also select the rectangle) 9. Ctrl + Shift + T opens the Text and Font Dialog 10.Select what I want in that Dialog, e.g. a different font family or any other different attribute 11. The "Apply" button remains greyed and I cannot make the change
It seems to me I am not finding the way to select the text and keep it selected while working with the Text and Font Dialog, but I am only guessing here - the behaviour is as if that were so.
I cannot select the text with the Create and Edit Text tool.
I have tried selecting the text by selecting both the text box and, by Shift-click, the rectangle but still with no result.
I am at a loss to know how to proceed - I feel sure I could get it eventually (like they claim about monkeys typing Shakespeare!), but would very much value a further pointer from you.
I have worked out how to do this:
1. Once the default text is in the box in the shape, you _can_ edit it (the words) on screen with the Create and Edit text tool. Then, with a bit of separate text floating somewhere of the format I want, I can copy then Ctrl + Shift + V paste the style into the box in the shape.
Problem solved. I had not read the default text properly. My apologies to all.