bulia byak wrote:
On 2/11/07, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...226...> wrote:
Dennis Heuer wrote:
I find this quite restricting. Please think about changing this.
BTW, in this specific case, the layer name seems to be stored as an id attribute, whose value HAS to be unique, so as it is this can't be changed.
No, the layer name is stored in inkscape:label, so it need not be unique.
You're absolutely right, I didn't look closely enough.
The appending of #number was added deliberately to make it possible to distinguish between same-name layers in the stack, so it makes sense. However, I agree that when layers are sublayers of two different layers, we don't need to add the number. So the "add #number" code must be made smarter to only search for same-name layers among siblings, not among all layers in document.
I'm ccing Mental who coded that. Mental, if you agree that it should be done and can't it done right now, please ask Dennis to submit a RFE.