Thank you very much, that works very well!
Adam in Australia
-------Original Message-------
From: inkscape-user@...124...t
Date: 05/22/04 23:37:12
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Inkscape - insensitive mode Autor: "Adam Pearson" <addon@...125...121...> [AP]
Datum: Sat, 22 May 2004 17:16:24 +1000
> Can I undo this later - i.e. can I come back to the "insensitive" object
> or group and "re-activate" it?
Use TAB to navigate trough objects until insensitive object/group reached,
then make it sensitive in Item Properties.
URKE MMI :: www.urosevic.net :: ICQ UIN 104794867
Registered Linux User #280650 [counter.li.org] :: SLACKWARE LINUX
Slušam Alabina - Alabina (Original)
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