That has to be dependent on the type of cover art you're using, right?
What I mean is: if your book cover design is purely abstract, than SVG seems fine, since you can control your palette numerically to make sure the colors are set exactly the way you need them. But if you were creating a book cover using art provided by an outside artist, you're probably getting it in tiff (out of the three options you listed), in which case whatever you're doing in Inkscape, you'll be wanting to export everything in tiff in order to keep the colors from shifting around.
Assuming Inkscape can export in tiff. I thought it only supported png, but I dimly remember some chatter that this is no longer the case.
Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@...537...)
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
On Friday, September 04, 2015 11:09:28 AM John Culleton wrote:
> There are lots of topics I need education on in
> this task but let me start at the end and work
> backward. I will import a file into Scribus and
> produce a file in pdf x/1a:2001 format using a
> particular icc profile that limits ink coverage
> particularly in rich black situations.
> Now considering all the objectives, cmyk
> presentation of colors being paramount, what
> file format is optimal being saved from
> Inkscape 0.91 and imported into Scribus 1.5.0.
> I see three candidates: svg, pdf, and tiff.
> I'll be asking a similar question on the Scribus
> list. Many of the gurus on the lists are fluent
> in both programs.