Klaus Malorny wrote:
sorry if this is FAQ, but I have searched Google and the archive and did not find a suitable answer.
I have a small problem. I need to prepare some SVG files for the use with Apache's FOP. Inkscape seems to be the perfect tool for this, so I installed the latest version 0.45. However, I discovered that FOP measures a pixel as a 1/72 inch, while Inkscape measures a pixel as a 1/90 inch. Then I found out that there are default templates of various sizes, and one of them is "default_mm", which actually announces the image size in the <svg> element in absolute units. Unfortunately, whenever I resize the document size, Inkscape falls back into pixel mode when saving the file. What am I doing wrong? Is it an intended behaviour or is it a bug? I found a workaround, namely scaling the image by 72/90, however, I would prefer a clean solution.
Thanks in advance for any answer.
Hi all,
no ideas to my problem anyone?