In message: <540F1CF0.5080105@...2842...> Lars Behrens <Lars.Behrens@...2842...> writes:
Am 09.09.2014 um 16:04 schrieb SAITOU Toshihide:
Thank you for your replay.
I meant for node is that it apears in the node selection mode, and it isn't the grid. If the snapping toolbar is like # icon at the right below, I use it but it seems it doesn't snap the node. (Sorry for my poor English.)
Maybe I get you wrong, but just switch on snap to nodes and move the rotation center close to the node you wish, it then gets snapped.
Cheerz, Lars
Hmm. I move it close to the node but stick to the grid...
I'm using 0.48.4 r9939 on FreeBSD and 0.48.5 r10040 on Mac OS X 10.9.4.
I tried to draw a phasor diagram like _/_, so draw an arrow then C-C, C-M-V, move the center of rotation to the end of the arrow, rotate, flip and repeat. At this time, line object may not be aligned to grid due to rotation.
SAITOU Toshihide