Did you try using the text formatting controls in the controls bar? Family and size can be controlled there without clobbering size, super/sub etc.


Have a nice day.

On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 2:02 PM BPJ <bpj@...2583...> wrote:
It seems I cannot change the font family globally in all text
objects in the GUI using the font dialog. It also seems that when
I change the font family for an individual object through the font
dialog subscript and size formatting for parts of the text is
lost. Thus I'm looking to change the font by editing the SVG
produced by Inkscape in a text editor, but that seems to be more
complicated than I expected. Upon inspecting the SVG produced by
Inkscape I see that each `<text>` *and* `<tspan>` element has a
`style` attribute with comprehensive font style info ---
essentially all the font formatting properties.  This seems a bit
wasteful since I use the same font at the same size throughout the
drawing, only adding the occasional bold weight and some
subscripts here and there.  It may make little difference given
the (many) paths in the drawing, but is there any way to set
things up so that most font properties are inherited from/set once
in as high a node as possible? I'm looking to change the font face
used and changing it by search&replace in lots of places --- the
font name appears twice in each `<text>` or `<tspan>` `style`
attribute! --- seems like a heavy-handed way to do it.


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