12 Jun
12 Jun
5:55 a.m.
I have some difficulties with a pattern. It should look like this: http://www.hagoschaos.de/test/test.html image 1.
Inkscape and Opera9 are showing it like this. IE6 and Opera8.54 with the Adobe plugin are showing it like image 2. Firefox shows nothing. Batik won't run here - a Java-window tells me: connection refused ...?
Here is the svg-file: http://www.hagoschaos.de/test/svg3a-aa.svg
It's 2 patterns: green stripe with transparent background. I didn't know, how to do it with just one pattern.
Further, I dont understand, why one of the patterns have this strange edges (image 3). I made the pattern with a copy of the same green stripe.
Can you give me some help?
Regards, Hago