What I, and I presume Paul want to do is plot surveys like the following: A simple example is
Point Point Distance (metres) Bearing (degrees) A B 60 7 B C 80 45 C D 85 133 D E 100 35 E F 27 345
We want to plot A->B and then B->C etc to the end of the series.
A->B Draw the leg vertically. How do I specify or read the length of the leg as I am drawing it? I can check and adjust it afterwards but it would help to have an indication as I am drawing? Once the leg length is correct I need to move the centre of rotation of the leg back to the start and snap to the node. Then rotate the leg to the correct compass bearing. If I cannot snap then how do I get accurately onto the start of the leg? Near enough is not good enough.
B->C Start second leg on end of first. With either of your suggestions, how do I specify leg length and then change angle to required bearing?
C->D etcetera.