I wanted to print landscape pages.
I could choose layout of landscape and I could also choose paper size to reflect landscape size but printing always came out in normal and a lot of my image was chopped off.
If I got it to print in landscape mode, then my image or text would be printed wrong direction.
My only solution was to rotate my text or image objects 90 degrees (on the display). But that made it hard to read and use for text entry.
This was with inkscape-0.38.1.
I looked in the FAQ and searched the bug tracker but no note of it. I was unable to get to CVS to find a changelog to review (blame that on Sourceforge).
Please consider placing a changelog linked from front page or close by. If it is there, please point me to it.
Anyways, my question is: how can I print to landscape mode while my display accurately shows my work without having to turn my head sideways?
I am not on this list; please post if moderated. And please CC me on replies.
Thank you.
Jeremy C. Reed
BSD News, BSD tutorials, BSD links http://www.bsdnewsletter.com/
p.s. Anyone use pkgsrc? I will import the new version of inkscape into pkgsrc soon.