Hi Friends, I posted messages in the forums last week, but I just realized I didn't post on the mailing lists. Since the Rules and Guidelines are essentially finished, the next step is to select moderators for the new forum.
If anyone is interested in helping to moderate, please contact me. You can reply to this message on the list, or you're welcome to contact me privately, if you prefer.
The Rules section of the Rules and Guidelines explains what the job of a moderator is. I think it will eventually appear on a new Forum Team on the website's Teams page, but it's not there yet. Meanwhile, it's here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/vectors/content/blob/master/articles/Forum%20Rul...
Not the meeting coming up this weekend, but next month's (May) meeting of the Vectors team, we'll be discussing plans for an opening of the new forum. At the moment, I'm thinking a month or 2 after the next hackfest would be good for the opening. The hackfest is end of May/beginning of June, so maybe July/August would be good for the forum opening? That's just a very rough guess at this point, and we'll finalize that at the May meeting.
All best, brynn