Hi Friends, Would it be possible to have guides by layers? I mean, so that when you hide a layer, the guides for that layer are hidden. And a different layer can have different guides? Since layers are just special groups, I'm guessing it would not be possible. Because guides are a document property, they're made to be displayed across both groups and layers. I'm often wishing I could have distinct sets of guides. For example, on one layer, I have a large star or circle, with guides set up that center on the star or circle . So it's a set of radial guides. But on another layer, I might need guides in a rectangular arrangement. Without any way to have distinct sets of guides, when I make my guides visible, sometimes it's almost like a nightmare! For example, see attached a screenshot of a file I've been working on. And that's one of the more manageable files, as far as guides. (yes, I changed them to red) So I wonder if there could be such a thing as "guide profiles" or "guide sets".....that could be individually hidden or visible. (not that I could actually write an extension, but I might request one, if it's possible).
Thanks for comments, brynn