Daniel Hulme wrote:
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 09:45:52AM -0600, Aaron Spike wrote:
I uninistalled Python24 from the Add/remove programs window, and then unzipped the new 0.45-1 version to the C;\Program Files\Inkcape path (it's just unzipping, doesn't really ' install' anything) It does indeed give me a folder called python. If I run the /groups to pngs /script I get an error message which refers to the non-existing C:\Python24. Also, Inkscape then freezes
C:\Python24 doesn't exist? The messages would seem to indicate otherwise.
Maybe I am confused, but I got the impression from the above that Arthur had a C:\Python24, got the errors mentioned in his first post, then uninstalled the Python that was installed there, then installed the Python that came with Inkscape 0.45 in C:\Program Files\Inkscape, and now gets error messages referring to the no-longer-there C:\Python24. That is, Inkscape is still trying to use Python from the wrong directory.
I've never used the Windows Inkscape, but I imagine there is a configuration option somewhere that tells it where to find Python. I suspect that it only got confused in this case because Python is in a different place to where it was when Inkscape was installed.
But I could be off in a world of my own.
Is your previous install of python still referenced in your $PATH by chance?