On 8/22/07, lynx.abraxas@...1631... <lynx.abraxas@...1631...> wrote:
On 22/08/07 23:53:45, JonY wrote:
lynx.abraxas@...1631... wrote:
On 22/08/07 18:43:47, JonY wrote:
lynx.abraxas@...1631... wrote:
On 21/08/07 18:25:58, john cliff wrote:
Huh?! Mine builds fine??!
Try doing a fresh check out. Get the new gtk210 and MingW package (gtk210-070819-3.7z and mingw-4.2.0-070518.7z).
I have an LFS here with gtk2.10.13. I figured out the missing header files are from libpoppler. libpoppler doesn't install them. Using export CPPFLAGS="-I /usr/src/libpoppler/poppler-0.5.91/poppler/ -I /usr/src/libpoppler/poppler-0.5.91/goo" didn't solve the problem fully because Object.h has #include "goo/gtypes.h" in it. How did You install poppler? Do You have a better idea then editing all these local includes to global ones?
Hi, ignore this message if duplicate, stupid dial up speed DSL line with giant latency.
LFS? Linux From Scratch?
Yes, no M$ windows at all...
Wait, are you using MSYS to do a bootstrap? I didn't do that. Get the packages from http://inkscape.modevia.com/win32libs/ instead.
Forgive me if I am wrong but I assumed that from your earlier post that you are building Inkscape from MinGW under Windows. gtk210-070819-3.7z comes with poppler.
I fear this misunderstandig might come from the fact, that I didn't start this thread but only agreed to a post where unsuccessful build of svn was mentioned. I'm sorry for that. I don't have the post I replied to any more.
So to make things clear:
I have a linux from scratch. gtk 2.10.13, poppler-0.5.91. svn inkscape Revision: 15884. I do ./autogen.sh; configure; make. Configure is happy with my system and also with my poppler-0.5.91. poppler-0.5.91 has the header files that can't be found during inkscape make but these seem to be headers only for compilation of poppler or poppler at least does not install them. Telling inkscape configure about the sources of poppler helps but then the make gets stuck because some includes in the poppler-headers are local ones which then of course don't resove. I couldn't find any hint about some special poppler install in the docs but as it is brand new developpment docs are often behind. I just wonder if and how someone made a complete make with poppler used with current svn so far?
Sorry for the confusion. Lynx
There was a problem with poppler not copying the headers across when you did make install, believe bulia had the same sort of issue. Not sure what the answer was, being a win guy myself. If no one pipes up with an answer here, you may want to ask on the dev list.