Hello list,
I'm fairly sure that what I'm trying to accomplish is quite common, but I don't know how to do it in inkscape: Say I have a complex group of paths (of different widths and so) and I want a certain area of that path to not be drawn. Currently what I do is I create a second layer on top and move a white, filled rectangle above the places which I do not want to have drawn.
This has one problem, however: When the svg is exported as png, the "not drawn" area is (of course!) white instead of transparent. If I make it transparent, however, it will (also of course!) not cover the background.
I've played around with the AND and XOR functions of the Path menu, but I don't quite get how they work. Sometimes everything disappears, sometimes nothing happens. How do you do this the *right* way?
Thanks in advance, Johannes
PS: This is my second try for posting on the inkscape-user list, might it be that SF.net has some problem with lists? I cannot find my original posting (identical content, from yesterday) within the archives anywhere.