This isn't an inkscape question, merely SVG.
I'm embedding SVG images created by GraphViz in an XHTML page. With CSS I have a black-on-white color scheme and a white-on-black. For the latter I have
g[class="node"] > * { fill: none; stroke: white; } /* nodes */ g[class="edge"] path { fill: none; stroke: white; } /* edge line */ g[class="edge"] polygon { fill: white; stroke: none; } /* edge arrow */
to set the lines to white. However, mozilla defaults to a white background for the embedded SVG element. I've tried things like
svg { fill: black; background: black; background-color: black; }
but I haven't been able to guess the correct attribute. I couldn't find the appropriate part of the SVG spec, but I've never been good with W3C specs.
Can anyone help me out here?